Born in Belo horizonte, MG - Brazil
This timeline presents some of the most relevant events in my life.
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Born in Belo horizonte, MG - Brazil
Colégio Batista Mineiro (at Belo horizonte until 1998 and at Uberlândia since then)
Moved to Uberlândia, MG - Brazil
Undergraduation: Electrical Engineering at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.
RIVED: best Learning Object with the project: Missão Animal
Spanish teacher at CCAA/CCLS (Centro de Cultura Anglo Americana)
Master in Electrical Engineering at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.
Dissertation title: "Um aplicativo com reconhecimento de toques e gestos para concepção de ambientes virtuais em dispositivos móveis." (An application with touch and gesture recognition for designing virtual environments on mobile devices)
BRAGA, P. H. C.; CARDOSO, A. Objetos de Aprendizagem no ensino de Processamento Digital de Imagens. Conferência de Estudos em Engenharia Elétrica, 2010
BERRETA, L. O.; RIBEIRO, M. W. S.; BRAGA, P. H. C.; CARDOSO, A. Metáforas de trânsitos para auxiliar o processo de ensino- aprendizagem de disciplinas de Algoritmos e Programação de Computadores. 22º Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na educação, 2010
BRAGA, P. H. C.; CARDOSO, A.; LAMOUNIER, E. A. Uma Estratégia de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas para Mobile-learning usando Realidade Aumentada.
BRAGA, P. H. C.; CARDOSO, A.; LAMOUNIER, E. A. Desenvolvimento de Gestos Personalizados para Criação e Navegação em Ambientes de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada associada a Dispositivos Móveis. XIV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2012
Moved to São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Professor at Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul. Teaching for Digital Game Development and Computer Science courses.
Doctorate in Electrical Engineering at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
Thesis title: "SLAP: Uma Linguagem Visual para geração Semiautomática de Animações a partir de Storyboards" (SLAP: A Visual Language for Semiautomatic Generation of Animations from Storyboards)
Graduated with distinction.
BRAGA, P. H. C.; SILVEIRA, I. F. Proposta de linguagem de padrões utilizados em storyboards para geração semi- automática de animações digitais. WCSEIT'2013. Portugal
Developer at Panapps. I was part of the development team who created an educational tool called Educalabs. Main language: actionscript in Adobre Flash
Professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Teaching for Digital Game Development, Information Systems, Analysis and System Development and Computer Science courses.
BRAGA, P. H. C.; SILVEIRA, I. F. A Pattern Language for semi-automatic generation of Digital Animation through hand-drawn Storyboards. SIBGRAPI: XXVIII Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2015
Honorable Mention at the XXVIII Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images for the work “A Pattern Language for semi-automatic generation of Digital Animation through hand-drawn Storyboards”.
Got married
BRAGA, P. H. C.; SILVEIRA, I. F. Slap: Uma Linguagem Visual Para Geração Semiautomática De Animações A Partir De Storyboards. Thesis for: DoctoralAdvisor: Ismar Frango Silveira, 2017
BRAGA, P. H. C.; SILVEIRA, I. F. SLAP: Storyboard Language for Animation Programming. Journal: IEEE Latin America Transactions 14(12):4821-4826
Mentor at the project Apple Developer Academy | Mackenzie since 2017. Pedagogical Coordinator since 2018.
PACHECO, B. A.; MARIN, W.; CRUZ, B.; MIANA, V. B.; CONCILIO, I. S.; PESSOA FILHO, J.; BRAGA, P. H. C. What where?! A game for learning art, history and architecture. Twelfth Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO)
MAINIERI, B. O.; SILVA, L. A. OMAR, N.; BRAGA, P. H. C. Text Mining of Audience Opinion in eSports Events. SBGAMES 2017
Academic Merit at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie for having above average student ratings
Academic Merit at Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul e for having above average student ratings
International Experience: Presentation on the TECH Conference, from MGIEP - UNESCO in Vishakapatnam, India. Presented a panel about Challenge Based Learning and was invited to the panel TAGe: Talking Across Generations - Education. Full video here
International Experience: Global Literature Review of Digital Textbooks and Other Digital Education Media. promoted by MGIEP - UNESCO, at Braunschweig, Germanny. Final report here
BRAGA, P. H. C.; et al. Rethinking Pedagogy Exploring the Potential of Digital Technology in Achieving Quality Education
Academic Merit at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie for having above average student ratings
Honorable Mention in recognition of academic performance at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
Honorable Mention at the SBGAMES conference for the work “SLAP: uma linguagem de padrões utilizados em storyboards para geração semiautomática de animações digitais”.
Apple Distinguished Educator
BRAGA, P. H. C.; CONCILIO, I. S. et al. Handbook of Research on Immersive Digital Games in Educational Environments. Chapter: Game Concepts in Learning and Teaching Process.